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Current Demand on Ethiopian Homes

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What is the Ethiopian homes market like?

As a developing country, buying property in Ethiopia has a severe housing problem:

  1. There is a lack of quantity and quality of Ethiopian homes to serve the next homeowner generation.
  2. Next-generation of homeowners includes young professionals, families, couples, and members of the international community that rent and live in Addis Ababa for various purposes.
  3. It also includes individuals that want to invest in real estate as a good source of continued revenue or to resell at a higher rate in the future.

Although our clients have many reasons for investing in the Ethiopian homes market, what stays consistent is the demand for quality housing that is delivered on time and on budget. By the way, Ethiopian Real Estate Companies have been able to deliver luxury homes all around the country, most notably in the outskirts of Addis Ababa.

There is a strong commitment from the government to create a supportive environment for developments, especially in the private real estate sector. Increasing numbers of high-income groups and individuals are showing a remarkable interest in the luxury high-end apartment sector. One reason is location, as most of the customers willing to have a home in Addis Ababa. A second reason is having an investment for the future. Regardless of which reason, one has to buy a home in Ethiopia, it is definitely one of the smartest decisions in terms of investment.

Being able to own a home in Ethiopia

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In the middle of Addis Ababa, is a major advantage going forward into the bright era of development set forth by the Ethiopian government.

As real estate investments have increased interest and attention, the value of the real estate and the construction industry in Ethiopia going to grow faster.

We expect Metropolitan Real Estate to be at the forefront of the change! We expect to lead the way into creating a dependable and trustworthy brand for the modern home-owning generation.

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