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Anyone, who, for another and a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration, engages in any of the following activities:

  • Negotiates any form of a real estate transaction including, a mere portion of interest rather than full ownership
  • Sell at auction or by other means, an interest in real estate x List or tries to list real estate (telemarketing included)
  • Negotiate mortgages other than residential loans (negotiating residential mortgage loans on one to four-family homes requires a person to be licensed through the New York Banking Dept. as a mortgage broker). That is covered in-depth in another chapter.
  • Collection of rents. A license is required if, for example, a property owner hires a management company to take care of their Apartment Their obligations would include collecting rent. A real estate license is required. However, if an owner, the relative, or a friend of the owner is collecting the rent and it is only being done for this one landlord, no license is required. This will be explained in-depth in other chapters.
  • Making of leases, leasing, renting, or offering to rent.
  • Relocation of tenants or owners in commercial or residential real estate

Exchange of real property of any sort, Negotiating the sale of a business where the real estate is an essential part of the sale. The sale of a business that does not include real estate as an essential part of the transaction does not require a license as a broker. It is essential to understand that a licensed broker may not employ an unlicensed person to assist in the negotiation of a real estate transaction. If the broker does, the broker forfeits rights to a commission on the transaction, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and may have his/her license revoked. Simply put, everyone involved in the transaction, from start to finish must have a current real estate license.                


Broker/Associate Broker/Salesperson

Definition of a real estate broker: any person, firm, limited liability company, corporation, or other legal entity who, for another and for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration,

  • Lists for sale
  • Sells or attempts to sell real estate at auction or otherwise
  • Sells or attempts to sell real estate in an exchange
  • Buys or rents an interest in real estate
  • Purchases or rents an estate or interest in real estate
  • Collects or offers or attempts to collect rent for the use of a real estate
  • Engages in the business of a tenant relocator
  • Engages in the sale of condominiums
  • Engages in the sale of cooperatives
  • Engages in the sale of vacant land under the provisions of article 9-A
  • Who sells or exchanges, or offers or attempts or agrees to negotiate the sale or exchange, of any such lot or parcel of real estate?
  • Sells a business where the value of the real estate transferred is part of the value of the business. The broker is the party responsible for all of the actions resulting from his salespeople dealing with the In the simplest explanation, the broker:
  • Can own and operate a real estate office
  • Hire and pay his salespeople
  • Collect and disburse commissions
  • Represent the public in a real estate transaction

Metropolitan real estate PLC, is an American-owned Real estate building, building quality homes in Ethiopia to fulfill the needs of luxury real estate for sale in Addis Ababa and all of Ethiopia.

Let us connect today, on Metropolitan Real estate, which has multiple ongoing projects such as Metropolitan Central Tower Luxury Apartments are around AU headquarters. Metropolitan Westview Standard Apartments located at Total Soset kuter Mazoriya. If you are ready to begin your journey on the way to becoming a homeowner, please contact us with the Ethiopian office: +251973404040 and USA office: +1 480 280 2242.


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